Sunday, November 23, 2014

We bought a house!

Buying a house can make you feel a lot of different emotions. I, for example, would go from jumping up and down with excitement to feeling sick to my stomach with stress within a few minutes. But! I'm so happy that my husband and I are currently moved into our new home. We've been looking to buy a house for years, and when this opportunity just fell in our lap, we knew it was meant to be. 

When we first saw the house we knew we would have quite a bit of work ahead of us. Don't get me wrong, if we reeeeeally wanted to, we probably could have just moved in without changing anything, but it's nice to give everything a fresh coat of paint and new flooring to make it feel fresh and clean. Especially when the carpets are a sort of magenta/burgundy color and the walls are red in some rooms and sponge painted in others. Here's a few phone snapshots to give you an idea of what we were working with.
Not the greatest quality picture, but you get the idea. Nice color combo, eh?

See that pink and green sponge paint action? Yup. Awesome. It reminds me of those old school photo backdrops.
In case you were wondering, yes, it was a pain to paint over those walls. It took 3 coats of primer and 2 coats of paint. 

We got lucky with this room! It already had wood flooring and it has great natural light! I will be using this room as my office.

I LOVE the bay window and fireplace! 
Of course I chose a Hello Kitty key ;) You can kinda see our new flooring in the background here.

We will be working on little things here and there for a while, but that just means that everything in the house will be what WE want it to be. I'm excited!
I will be sure to post a full house tour in the near future. Wait 'til you see the yard! It's needs a bit of cleaning up but it's so awesome!


Monday, November 17, 2014

a quick update

Sorry for the lack of updates over here! My husband and I bought a house (!!!) and that has been taking up most of our time. The whole experience was quite a roller coaster! Things kept getting pushed back, but we're finally all moved in! I'll be writing a full post about it later with lots of pictures soon. We also took a trip to Disneyland with our good friends (a wedding proposal was involved!). And when we got back I got fired from my job without explanation, sooooo...yeah. I guess you gotta take the good with the bad, right? I'm currently job hunting and trying to remain positive! Cross your fingers for me! 
